Meet Mags




Life Partner.



 Soul Explorer.


Life and Employment Coach.

Advocate for Youth, Women and Newcomers.


A number of people have written to me over the last few years to ask questions such as “Who are you?  What do you do? Where do you get this inspiration from?” I think it is only fair to tell you a bit about me.  I have been on this soul-search journey for as long as I can remember but in 2011, I developed a soul mission statement  to ensure that I live a purpose driven life. Having this soul mission statement (which took almost a year to clarify) created a huge positive shift in my personal and professional approach to everything I did which has resulted in a huge feeling of fulfillment. I think that I can safely say that I live my soul mission daily!

My soul mission in this lifetime is to learn and share knowledge which will inspire and motivate others to expand their souls and be inspired to live their own life mission. I live my soul mission by: a) facilitating, training and coaching; b) writing and c) sharing resources and tools with and from others.

In 2012, my tagline was developing the courage muscles to live your soul mission During 2012, I stepped up and challenged myself to live from this deeper intuitive place and to act on what I defined as my soul mission. It was an extraordinary year!  In 2013, I changed my tagline to live your soul mission. Walking through OttawaSince writing my soul mission statement, countless wonderful things have happened in my life and I experience so many miracles on a daily basis, that I know for sure that the universe listens to my every single desire.

I met my life partner through my blogs and together we have teamed up and created a wonderful team to produce two issues of Mags Magazine which have had raving reviews from readers across fourteen countries!

We have travelled to one of our  dream destinations – Kenya, an opportunity which happened quite out of the ordinary!  I have facilitated numerous personal transition workshops; we have hosted three events for the launching of individual issues of Mags Magazines and we have met incredible human beings who have shared their life stories and inspired others us to rise higher and higher!

I am a girl on a soul mission to live my life to the fullest and to die feeling happily exhausted from  using every bit of talent which I am blessed with and to bless whoever comes into contact with me,  in whatever capacity, wherever they are.

I am curious and passionate about the awakening of the soul because I know that for myself, living from this soul place feeds me to live life an abundant life. I can no longer bear the pain which I feel from watching dreary, purposeless eyes of the many people I meet and I am inspired to help others live their soul mission as well. My observation is that we become detached from our soul mission as we get swallowed up with the daily routines of life – paying the bills, taking care of our loved ones…. trying to simply survive.  After a while, we forget our purpose and we forget what it feels like to feel “alive”.  This is why a 67-year-old man told me once that he could not justify his existence of this planet.  At 67, although he had held many high-powered jobs, he felt empty.

How sad is it to  feel empty at the end of your lifetime?

I feel privileged to live my soul mission.  When I look back, I realize that I was living it all along, except that I had not defined it as that.  Defining it, made a huge difference to feeling aligned to what I believe my true purpose is in this lifetime.

I started my teaching career at sixteen in St. Lucia. Over the span of my career as a primary school teacher, special education teacher, community worker and school principal, I have come to a few simple conclusions:

Human beings thirst to live their purpose.

When we connect to that purpose, we suddenly feel empowered to give more to life and to rise to our calling, even in the midst of challenges.

We feel driven and something magical also happens  the universe conspires with us to help us live our purpose.  Everything else falls in place.

Since migrating to Canada in 2003, I have worked primarily with newcomers, women and youth who are overcoming barriers in gaining employment.   As the Director for Employer Engagement with World Skills Employment Centre, I am fortunate to be in a position where I can support newcomers in making this transition to Canada and also work with employers to support them through the transition process. Apart from working in a management capacity, I work as a facilitator, a career/life coach, a curriculum developer and in my own entrepreneurial initiatives.  Working with so many great people from across the world, with different backgrounds, ethnicities and religious faiths, I have also concluded also that human beings are all essentially looking for the same basic things in life – mostly to feel loved, belonged, accepted and to contribute purposefully to life.

The difference between FEELING full or empty is the connection to living or not living  our soul mission or purpose. 

I passionately believe that ALL of us have a unique  purpose.  Living our soul mission is not about having qualifications and money although these are part of it.  Living our soul mission means that we live purposefully, whether we are mowing a lawn, driving a BMW, riding a bicycle, being a Prime Minister, feeding the poor or just having a simple conversation with a stranger on the street.


I am also the mom of three amazing kids and I feel blessed that they are part of my   life. Through parenting, I have an even greater appreciation for life and the uniqueness of the gifts which we bring to this world.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. It is my hope that you are living your soul mission.  If you are not, I hope that my work will provide a space for you to develop the courage muscles you need to feel inspired to begin the journey.  Please do use it as a platform to share your own experiences and connect with other great people who are all on their own journey.




My first Tune In and Step Up Challenge for flood victims in Saint Lucia.

3 responses to “Meet Mags”

  1. Mary Sheila May Davidson Chamberlain Tudor Avatar
    Mary Sheila May Davidson Chamberlain Tudor

    My how impressive you are to do such a beautiful charity in such a wonderful atmosphere. Merry Christmas to all of you. Sheila (Lisas mother in law)


  2. Magdalene, you mentioned that you do regular Thursday meals at the resto. Can you let me know: I’d love to take a group of friends there. And if it’s packed it’s so much more fun. We do need to support local and close down MacDonalds!!! Plus, Injeera is very good for you.


  3. Hello Maija! Yes – we do. I will be starting the calendar again soon – but for now, I think that the first one will be on Thursday the 16th of January. Red Sea Café – 83 Holland Avenue. Thanks so much – Look forward to meeting your group. More information to follow!


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